Star Treck Convention Anyone?

There are so many things wrong with this costume, so we start with this picture. The bra straps are not matching the silver or any of the other colors. The big back strap is covered, which is good, but those elastics going around it are weird:

Oh OK, that's what those extra straps are for. The idea is nice, if it was in silver, matching the costume and minus the straight shoulder straps (just using the cross section ones)

OOOOOOOOOOH NOOOOOOO! I can't stand this part of the costume, it's just too much of a cut-out fest:

Backside of skirt isn't bad, the fringe however, I can't decide what to think off

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1 Response to "Star Treck Convention Anyone?"

  1. Mauve, on September 28, 2009 at 10:15 AM said:

    The fringe, such as it is, is way cheesey! In fact, it's awful!