Lingerie Bra Meets Appliques

This beauty was send in by Caitlin:

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2 Response to "Lingerie Bra Meets Appliques"

  1. Jen Vogel ('Azraa), on June 6, 2009 at 3:48 AM said:

    Do you ever feel bad for the suckers that end up buying these things. Especially the ones that are quality construction just ugly. I had someone ask my opinion on crotch starfish. I sent her a link and said, "If you buy that, I will submit you."

  2. Amulya, on June 8, 2009 at 12:02 AM said:

    Oh no! I hope she doesn't buy it. Some costumes you think they're ok, but they might look weird from a distance (those costumes that look like they got a face on it!)
    I really have no idea who buys all the bad stuff.