Sometimes for a reason unknown to me I can't see the pictures on your posts, and when I try to open the image I get a 404 fron Google thet looks like this:
404. That’s an error.
The requested URL /-uVBvRmbCBZo/TiHcEfl9ybI/AAAAAAAABwc/sei9LClSaxU/s1600/15.jpg was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
I don't know if the url is wrong or if the file was deleted, but it bothers me a little because this seems to happen to the best posts! I hope this is something that can be fixed. Thanks!
Can't see the image.
Sometimes for a reason unknown to me I can't see the pictures on your posts, and when I try to open the image I get a 404 fron Google thet looks like this:
404. That’s an error.
The requested URL /-uVBvRmbCBZo/TiHcEfl9ybI/AAAAAAAABwc/sei9LClSaxU/s1600/15.jpg was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
I don't know if the url is wrong or if the file was deleted, but it bothers me a little because this seems to happen to the best posts!
I hope this is something that can be fixed. Thanks!
Yes there is a problem :( lets see if it's fixed now